Uručivanjem zahvalnica studentima socijalnog rada završene aktivnosti za 2015/2016 akademsku godinu
Dana 21. 6. 2016. godine sa početkom u 11:00 upriličena je dodjela zahvalnica studentima socijalnog rada, članovima Udruženja "...

Muhammed Ali - mnogo više od boksera
Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr., kasnije poznat kao Muhammed Ali, bio je profesionalni bokser, američki olimpijac, višestruki prvak u teškoj...

Studenti odsjeka za socijalni rad uzeli učešće u Međunarodnoj Ljetnoj školi
Summary: Students of Department of social work took part in 21. International Summer School of University. Goal of the School was to...

Studenti socijalnog rada-članovi Udruženja Prosvjetitelj donirali televizor dječijoj klinici UKC-a T
Summary: On June., 8. students from the department of social work, also the volunteers in NGO "Educator" from Srebrenica, donated LCD TV...

Profesor Muhamed Dervišbegović- život, djelo i značaj za profesiju socijalnog rada
Summary: All of those who lives in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and work as a social work professionals, have certainly heard...

Devet najutjecajnijih žena u historiji socijalnog rada
1. BARBARA MIKULSKI (1936-) Summary: Social work is a profession that has seen many female pioneers make lasting changes over the years....

Mary Richmond - tvorac socijalnog rada
Summary: With her book Social Diagnosis from 1917, Mary Ellen Richmond (1861-1928) constructed the foundations for the scientific...

Summary: Prejudices (lat. Praejudicium) are negative cultural attitudes directed against individuals or groups of people, based on...